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+--- Fantasy ---+

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- Willow & Angel
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- Spike & Drusilla
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- Wesley & Faith
- Harry & Draco
- Remus & Severus
- Drew & Merrill
- Essie & Karl
- Aragorn & Boromir
- Aragorn & Eowyn
- Sinbad & Maeve
- Nick & Natalie
- Vachon & Tracy
- Mina & Tom
- Sara & Jake
- Anita & Jean-Claude
- Jean-Claude & Asher
- Wolverine & Rogue
- Storm & Gambit
- Shadowcat & Wisdom
- Forge & Mystique
- Banshee & Emma
- Iceman & Pyro
- Krystalin & Meanstreak
- Nova & Kymaera
- Taja & Siro
- Clark & Lex
- Tommy & Jason
- Abigail & Hannibal
- Neri & Jason
- Amanda & Nick

+--- Sci-Fi ---+

- Shalimar & Brennan
- Brennan & Jesse
- Jesse & Lexa}
- Jesse & Emma
- Picard & Crusher}
- Riker & Troi}
- Julian & Jadzia
- Janeway & Chakotay
- Paris & Torres
- 7 & Kim
- Trip & T'Pol
- Reed & Sato
- Max & Logan
- Reb & Yuna
- Bren & Gret
- Ivanova & Marcus
- Sheridan & Delenn
- Zack & Lyta}
- John & Aeryn
- D'Argo & Zhaan
- Rommie & Dylan
- Tyr & Beka
- Trance & Harper
- Mulder & Scully
- Mulder & Doggett
- Mal & Kaylee
- Wash & Zoe
- Harry & Dusan
- Markus & Meaghan
- Jack & Sam
- John & Teyla
- Riddick & Vaako
- The Doctor (9th) & Rose Tyler
- The Doctor (9th) & Rose Tyler & Jack Harkness

+--- Drama ---+

- Brian & Justin
- Emmett & Drew
- Rollie & Angie
- Jarod & Miss Parker
- Samantha & John
- Gil & Catherine
- Nick & Sara
- Eric & Calleigh
- Mac & Stella
- Danny & Lindsay
- DiNozzo & Todd
- Luke & Lorelai
- Martin & Samantha
- Nikita & Michael
- Operations & Madeline
- Sydney & Nigel

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Welcome to Romantic Intentions

The idea for this site came to me on November 7, 2004. I was surfing through a bunch of Queer as Folk sites when I realized I wanted something or somewhere to put my thoughts about some of my favourite relationships in books/movies/television. Thus was Romantic Intentions born. You will notice though that the majority of the romances are from television and are considered unconventional.

Formerly I did have a mini-site entitled Love Lives On that also focused on some of my favourite romances, but I decided to close it down when I created this site.

On November 8, 2004, I contacted TwistyBot where I have my other two sites (borderline-angel.com & red-masque.com) and ordered a new package with the romantic-intentions.com domain name. The site went live on November 9, 2004.

Links to the individual romances I endorse can be found to the left.


02/07/2007 - Moved the site from romantic-intentions.com to its new home at http://goldendahlia.com, which is hosted through Dreamhost
10/03/2006 - Added some more couples to the main site and to the fan fiction page. Authors please feel free to add stories.
08/01/2006 - Added some more couples.
01/05/2006 - Had to completely re-install eFiction due to a virus that I could not get rid of. This means I pretty much have to do everything over from scratch.
08/18/2005 - Added some more couples.
07/30/2005 - Changed the site layout.
07/27/2005 - Added some more content to some of the couple pages and added a few more couples. Added the Fan Fiction pages. Feel free to contribute.
05/12/2005 - Added some more content to some of the couple pages and added a few more couples.
02/01/2005 - Added some more couples, but no more content as of yet. Starting to create a fan fiction archive strictly for the pairings listed on this site. That will probably take a month or two to finish, so please look back soon.

Link Me

Link to http://romantic-intentions.com.

This page has been visited times since 11/15/2004.


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